Beiträge von Matt998

    I forgot myself that I wrote the previous thread.

    However, from what I checked, none of the previous solutions have been completed.

    The text could already appear in the mission window as "additional information"

    Adding this as a script to LSS-Manager V.4 is a nice idea, but in the Polish version of LSS still some 0.01% works

    So it would be nice to have this as an in-person script and addition to the LSS


    I was also thinking about something like "Telephone calls"

    Or a quiz for additional emergency learning

    Hallo, ich habe eine ganz interessante Skript-Idee, aber ich kenne Javascript selbst nicht.

    Wäre jemand in der Lage, ein Skript zu erstellen, das eine zusätzliche Missionsbeschreibung generiert, die zufällig generiert wird.

    Für die Mission "Autofeuer" wäre es beispielsweise möglich, verschiedene Beschreibungen zu schreiben ...

    1. Ein Autobrand am Straßenrand, 2. Ein Autobrand auf dem Parkplatz, 3. Ein verlassener Autobrand. etc.

    Beschreibungen können manuell im Skript für jede "Missions-ID" hinzugefügt werden

    Ich hoffe, ich habe es ganz gut beschrieben, ich spiele auf der polnischen Version von ""

    Ich bräuchte nur eine "Skizze" Beschreibungen für diverse Missionen in PL schreibe ich gerne.

    ok, where exactly do you need the help? Show what you already have.

    I really have nothing.

    I have no experience in writing a script, I gave an idea for a "sketch" and I hope that someone will manage to write it so that you can edit it, add your "descriptions" for different missions.

    hey, I have an idea that on the right side (under or above the mission helper) a more detailed random description of the fire appears.

    For example, having a "car fire" in the window would display one of several texts:

    - An abandoned car is on fire

    - Car fire after the accident

    - car fire while driving (with and without people inside.)

    The script would read missions on an "ID" basis and assign random text to them.

    I will adapt the mission descriptions myself, I just need a "started script"

    If anyone could do this, for the Polish version of the game, I would be very grateful.

    Regards and have a nice day<3