
  • Ich versuchs nochmal...

    Das Programm schaut zum Beispiel wie viele LFs sich auf einer Wache und auf den umliegenden Wachen vorhanden sind. Um aber zu wissen was die umliegenden Wachen sind, musst du die Verbindungen setzen. Das Programm ratet nicht welche Wachen in der Nähe sind sondern das gibst du mit den Verbindungen an.

    Ich hoffe das klärt das.

    Oder war die Frage wie man eine Verbindung anlegt?

  • Hi, hast du schon probiert das Programm neuzustarten?

    Ansonsten kannst du noch versuchen die test.yml Datei zu löschen und das Programm neuzustarten.

    Wenn das alles nichts hilft müsstest du mir vielleicht deine test.yml und verbindungen.csv schicken damit ich das bei mir debuggen kann.

    Hi, ich versuche mich grad an deinem Tool, kann aber 2 Wochen nicht miteinander verbinden, es kommt folgender Fehler:

    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'addNeibor'
  • O que outras pessoas estão dizendo

    I already did the installation, but I get the following error and it does not leave this page.

    Remembering that the game in Brazil and the name of the vehicles change.

    Can you help me?

  • Use the current version of the program. This error shouldnt be there anymore. The current version is here: https://github.com/Merlingilb/…1.1/Feuerwachenplaner.zip

    Ein Vakuum, geschaffen durch fehlende Kommunikation,

    füllt sich in kürzester Zeit mit falscher Darstellung, Gerüchten, Geschwätz und Gift. - Cyril Northcote Parkinson

    Der beste Verband in Aachen und Umgebung: leitstellenspiel.de/alliances/1100

    Schraube manchmal am LSSM V4 rum.

  • As mentioned above, try using the newest version... If this does not help, please write again.

  • Hello, thanks for the feedback.

    I downloaded it again and it didn't work.

    The same error persists.

    Follow my configuration print.

    As mentioned above, try using the newest version... If this does not help, please write again.

  • In the new version, which is now available, you can set a different url in the config.csv

    just add a line: url, operador193.com

    It hopefully should work then... if not I might have to look further into that

    If the adjustment is simple.

    tell me where I need to change that I do this.

    Thank you for helping me.

  • In the new version, which is now available, you can set a different url in the config.csv

    just add a line: url, operador193.com

    It hopefully should work then... if not I might have to look further into that

    Now it's working, thank you very much !!!

    I read in the old messages something about the account that the script does to identify the number of units of the fireman and that this can be changed in the file "settings.csv", could you exemplify how to change it?

    It's just that here in Brazil, we don't have these "tlf" vehicles and others.

  • The list in your picture is just a list of vehicle types... the program works like this: it looks in the connected buildings (only those are counted, that are 2 connections away) and counts how many vehicles of a type are in these buildings. then it looks at this list where it shows the minimum per building of this vehicle type.

    between 0 and 1 it means a vehicle is not needed in every building

    1 means every building needs a vehicle of that type

    over 1 means on average there is more than one vehicle per building

  • Unfortunatly i did not find a list of vehicle types in portugese so here some explaining tries:

    tlf is a "normal" firefighter vehicle with water and extinguishing material... often with between 6 and 9 persons on board

    elw1 is a small vehicle used by a commander or his crew to help him commanding a mission

    dlk is the car with the big ladder ontop

    rw is a car which has lots of technical stuff

    hlf is a mix between a tlf and a rw

    gwOel is a car which has special things for cleaning oil from the street

    gwA is a car which has a lot of respirators onboard

    gwS has lots of tubes onboard

    hoeh is a vehicle specialized for helping people in hights

    mess is a vehicle which has lots of measuring equipment

    gwG has lots of things to fight chemicals

    elw2 is a bigger version of elw1

    dekonP has lots of stuff for decontamination

    fwk is a mobile crane

    I hope this helps

  • Merlingilb

    JavaScript: Portugal Autos
    "0": ["VRCI", 0], //LF 20
    "1": ["VLCI", 0], //LF 10 mäßig
    "2": ["VE32", 0], //DLK
    "3": ["VCOT", 0], //ELW
    "4": ["VSAT", 0], //RW
    "5": ["ABSC", 1], //RTW
    "6": ["VTTU", 0], //Tankwagen aka Auto nur mit ganz viel Tank
    "7": ["VPME", 0], //Hazmat/GW-G
    "8": ["CP", 2], //Police
    "9": ["Heli INEM", 1] //RTH
    JavaScript: brasilien autos
    "0": ["ABTS", 0], //LF 20
    "1": ["ABT", 0], //LF 10
    "2": ["ABE", 0], //DLK
    "3": ["APS", 0], //ELW
    "4": ["ACA", 0], //RW
    "5": ["SAMU", 1], //RTW
    "6": ["AT", 0], //Tankwagen
    "7": ["APP", 0], //Hazmat/GW-G
    "8": ["Carro de Polícia Militar", 2], //Polizei
    "9": ["Helicóptero Resgate", 1] //RTH

    Wenns irgnedwie helfen sollte für ihn da was zu machen :)
    Wenn du noch irgendwelche id's oder wagennamen suchst wäre hier
    ein Link von uns vom LSSM, zum großen teil kann man sich die fahrzeuge zusammenreimen was was ist :)

  • hallo weiß nicht was ich falsch mache aber nach start kommt nur ein fenster mit den fahrzeugtypen wenn mann da was anklickt kommt die meldung

    c:\hostedtoolcache\windows\python\3.7.7\x64\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py:623: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning:

    The MATPLOTLIBDATA environment variable was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.1 and will be removed in 3.3.

    Exception in Tkinter callback

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "tkinter\__init__.py", line 1705, in __call__

    File "lss.py", line 171, in dlk

    File "lss.py", line 25, in show

    File "convert.py", line 426, in convert

    IndexError: list index out of range

  • Liegt vermutlich daran, dass nicht Up to Date ist. Die Frage ist auch, ob überhaupt noch dran was gearbeitet wird.