Long time player with with a new challenge

  • Hello all,

    II've been playing leitstellenspiel now for some time with a setup in my home city and district as well as London. Over time I've become less active due to completing these areas. So I decided to challenge myself.

    Having watched various videos on YouTube I've decided I want to build in a German City ( still not decided) however with limited knowledge and understanding of how German services work I'm stuck.

    Anyone who could help I'd be greatly appreciative. As I really don't want to stop playing.

    Kind regards


    Admin For The Association UK Emergency Services

  • Hello thomas1321,

    If you are searching for a nice alliance helping you playing, we, Die Nachtwächter are perfect for you ;)

    We are in Stuttgart, Bad Neustadt(Saale) and Kassel. So more in the South and Middle of Germany.

    Greetings Jan

  • Hi Tom,

    would be glad to help out if only you'd specify what u would like to know-it's a pretty vast toppic innit ?^^

    In general our's do the same things yours are doing, with the difference that most of our emergency services rely on a great number of volunteers. In Terms of the fire Service that means pretty much every little shithole has it's own brigade-however we differentiate between "Feuerwehren mit Grundausstattung" and "Stützpunktfeuerwehren" which basically means "basic brigades" which only have the minimum of apparatus available that will keep incidents contained until the 'big brother' arrives and "specialised brigades" which have advanced equipment based on potential hazards in the area. This could be heavy rescue trucks, HazMat trucks, special Platform trucks or TL's or various utility vehicles. Every City above (not exactly sure as it varies from county to county) 50.000 ppl has to provide for payed fire fighters and is responsible for supplying equipment and trucks. Some cities, mostly the bigger ones exept for Baden Würtemberg, where only Stuttgart does this-also responds with ambulances and emergency doctors.

    Cant't tell you much about the cops, maybe someone else can answer questions on tht toppic though.

    when it comes to the ambulance service-there are various organisations involved, but they all do the same thing-they stabalise patients and get them to the nearest hospitals-as opposed to the UK we have special "Notärzte" or "emergency doctors" who respond to seriously ill ppl or injuries...then there are "SEG's" which basically are specially trained medics who are trained in water rescue, responding to MCE's etc and they too have special trucks, boats and stuff depending on what they are trained for. Unlike the fire brigade the ambulance service is a bit more scarsely spread across rural areas, you will however find that where there are less ambulances, there are more "SEG's".

    Last but not least there is the "THW" or "Federal Agency for Technical Relief" they come to play in desaster relief or at really big incident sites-they can do everything from blasting stuff up, to supplying drinking water, urban or rural search and rescue, in the game however they are only alterted for technical relief or water rescue.

    Any further questions ? Don't hesitate to ask the others, me or wikipedia :D